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Prestige Hosts are Bournemouth-based short let Airbnb management experts advising residential and commercial

Letting out your Airbnb during the festive season

December 27, 2023

Letting out your Airbnb during the festive season can be a fantastic opportunity, but it does come with its own set of considerations. Here’s a rundown of the pros, cons, and precautions to take:


  1. Higher Rental Rates: Christmas and New Year's are peak travel times. Expect higher demand and consequently higher rental rates.
  2. Increased Bookings: Many people travel during the holidays, meaning more potential guests looking for accommodations.
  3. Festive Atmosphere: If you decorate your space accordingly, it can attract guests seeking a holiday ambiance, potentially boosting your appeal.
  4. Potential Long Stays: Some guests might book longer stays during this period, providing more stable income within a shorter timeframe.


  1. Higher Expectations: Guests might expect extra amenities or decorations. Meeting these expectations can add to your workload and expenses.
  2. Potential Damage: Parties and celebrations are common during these holidays, increasing the risk of damage to your property.
  3. Competition and Saturation: Expect more competition as many hosts will be offering their spaces, potentially impacting your booking rates.
  4. Personal Time: Hosting during the festive season can impede your personal celebrations and family time.

Precautions to Take:

  1. Clear House Rules: Explicitly state your rules regarding parties, maximum occupancy, noise levels, etc., to set expectations clearly.
  2. Security Deposit: Consider imposing a higher security deposit during this period to protect against potential damages.
  3. Communication: Keep open and clear communication with guests before, during, and after their stay to address any concerns promptly.
  4. Insurance Coverage: Review your insurance policy to ensure it covers holiday rentals and potential damages caused by guests.
  5. Check-In and Check-Out Procedures: Clearly outline these processes to ensure smooth transitions between guests.
  6. Local Regulations: Be aware of any specific local regulations or restrictions related to holiday rentals in your area.
  7. Decorations and Amenities: Decide if you'll provide holiday decorations or amenities. This can add appeal but also require additional maintenance.

Balancing the potential financial gains against the extra effort and risks is crucial. If you're prepared to manage the additional workload and take necessary precautions, renting out your Airbnb during Christmas and New Year's can be a rewarding experience.

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